SUNRATE, the intelligent global payment and treasury management platform for businesses worldwide and MODIFI, a global commerce platform for business payments and trade management have announced a strategic partnership aimed at supporting the growth of SMEs.
With the successful integration of SUNRATE's cutting-edge products and services, such as 1) its international payment capabilities with full coverage of 190+ countries and support in 130+ currencies, 2) customers being able to make batch payments and payments to suppliers with minimal overseas transaction fees and 3) being able to utilise SUNRATE's global collection services in 30+ currencies with local clearing networks in 10+ currencies, MODIFI will be better equipped to support both its buyers and sellers on day-to-day business payment needs.
Joshua Bao, co-founder of SUNRATE said, "We have a vision for SUNRATE to be the go-to B2B payment and treasury management platform and that can be achieved via strategic collaborations with like-minded partners such as MODIFI, which has invoicing and trade finance capabilities that are complementary with SUNRATE's products and services. Together, we look forward to supporting more SMEs holistically by providing better business payment solutions with our combined offerings."
Wenlong Huang, GM of MODIFI China said, "We are thrilled to announce our partnership with SUNRATE, the partnership will enable exporters to access a wider range of financial resources, thus allowing exporters to pursue their business objectives in a more effective and efficient manner."
SUNRATE is an intelligent global payment and treasury management platform for businesses worldwide. Since its inception in 2016, SUNRATE is recognised as a leading solution provider and has enabled companies to operate and scale both locally and globally in 190+ countries and regions with its cutting-edge proprietary platform, extensive global network, and robust APIs. With its global headquarters in Singapore and offices in Hong Kong, Jakarta, London and Shanghai, SUNRATE partners with the top global financial institutions, such as Citibank, Standard Chartered, Barclays and is the principal member of both Mastercard and Visa. To learn more about SUNRATE, visit
MODIFI is a global business payments company that helps exporters and importers to facilitate their business internationally. Through its digital platform, the company enables suppliers to get paid instantly and offers buyers the option to pay up to 180 days later. With a presence in 10 locations worldwide, including Berlin, Amsterdam, New York, Delhi, Mumbai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Singapore, Dubai and Dhaka, MODIFI serves over 1,500+ buyers and sellers across more than 54 countries , spanning the major trading regions of Europe, Asia and America.
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